Saturday, September 10, 2016

Hybrid Mobile App in Ionic - V2 : Demo App

Hi Guys,

Its been a while since I have used by writing skills, still i will try me best to make it clear and straight. We are gonna start our first  (but not a HelloWorld) Ionic v2, Hybrid Mobile  app.

The concept is about providing best services to our users vehicles. This app certainly gonna be a vehicle assistant. Primly aimed to connect to the best service centres and coordinate associated activities. Let's checkout this video.

Apart from the concept, this app has got a lot of technical stuffs at the back side. I will try to bring them up one by one
  1. Setting up an Ionic Environment
  2. Start your first app
  3. Fundamentals of Angular 2
  4. In to the App              
  5. Web Animation in Ionic 2
  6. Setting up your map
  7. Use of REST service in Ionic 2
  8. and so on.....................
The whole code is available in Git:

Stay tuned for the further. Will be back soon.